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As humanity today, we have an urgent need to learn ancestral technologies and methodologies in which we recognize the Sacred Nature of the Earth with which we are One.
We need to acquire tools that allow us to create the internal and external changes vital for the survival of our species.
JateKulchavita, coming from the Mhuyska-Kogui tribe (Colombia), brings a very deep yet simple work and practical tools to cultivate the relationship with the Sacred, our territory, ourselves and those around us, through work with the 5 elements and ceremonies of Mambeadero, Circles of Word with Mambé and Ambil, the medicines made from the
Coke and Tobacco.


He is part of the rebirth process of the Mhuyska people and is the manager of the recovery of the Casa Sagrada Mhuyska in Raquira, Boyacá, which allowed the reconstruction of the Casas Sagradas in other Mhuyska communities and eco-villages such as Aldea Feliz and Tierra de Agua (Colombia).
He trained as "Hombre Sabedor" under the guidance of Jate Kogui Aluka and in the art of the Mambeadero word of life, word of coca and tobacco, with the indigenous peoples of the Amazon. He managed to recover the thought of the Mhuyska culture in the Spiral matrix, which allows for a "Hummingbird" bridge, an agreement between ancestral knowledge and Western culture, due to his training as an anthropologist and as a Jate (spiritual father). He is currently a spiritual advisor at Ecomuidade Tierra de Agua and is part of Spiral Seed's interdisciplinary and holistic team; who has visited over 10 countries around the world since 2016 and managed to bring together a community of over 7,000 people who are manifestation of the seed of new humanity in consciousness.


Human Seed - Ego Identification

*Day 1
Reception and accommodation
Introduction: Identification of the ego. Presentation and delivery of the Crop Notebook. What's the purpose? What is the planting?
The Spiral Matrix and the Seed Order of "BEING"
Word Circle Choosing the Seed: Characterization of ego thinking and the experience of Oneness.

*Day 2
energetic awakening
Word Circle - Clean seed; Identification of Control Dramas
Crop Notebook-Parental Individual Study
Mambadero- Deepening the ancestral technology of  Word of Life

*Day 3
energetic awakening
Word Circle- Baptize the seed; Surrender to the higher forces of the Spirit
Word Circle - Sow the Seed Become; Transmute control dramas into Positive Forces
Mambeadero- Deepening the ancestral technique of  Word of Life.
Integration of the experiences of the day.

*Day 4
energetic awakening
Ancestral technology; Payment (offering)
Mambeadero of the retreat experiences



350 euros

3 Kambo sessions
1 Rebirthing Breathwork workshop
4 yoga sessions
guided meditations
integration and sharing circles
healing nutrition throughout the retreat
5 nights of shared accommodation

For more information and reservations:
+351 936 139 611 (Eva) / +351 939 794 574 (Jon)

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